
筆者淺見: 這幾天的BBC報導亞洲教育與芬蘭教育。芬蘭即使是國小老師也必須擁有碩士學位,而對於全國表現不佳的學校,不但不懲罰,而是給予他們更多資源與幫助。芬蘭希望他們教導出來的孩子是尋求生命的意義,學習生活,而非學習教科書上的知識。





What is the key to a successful education system?
By Caroline McClatchey
BBC News


Prof Kristiina Kumpulainen, Department of Teacher Education, University of Helsinki:


Welfare society: There is an emphasis on supporting every individual, every child regardless of their economic or social background. This basic principle of equality applies to our education system but also healthcare and social care. It's an holistic approach.


We pay for it through taxes and the government tries to support every family.


Highly-qualified teachers: Our teaching profession is highly valued and respected. The programmes are highly competitive and many students do not get a place. We get highly motivated students and the five-year courses are to masters level. Even if you teach at a primary school, you need to have a masters qualification. This is not the same in other Nordic countries.


The classroom is a very interactive space where pupils can challenge the teacher. The traditional teacher-directed style is not so typical in Finland.


Local power: Municipalities and schools have a lot of power to localise the national core curriculum. We trust our teachers as they have been selected through a careful process. They are given a lot of freedom and responsibility to tailor learning according to the needs of every child. They are not just paying lip service or following a script.


There are core subjects such as literacy, numeracy and science but we try to achieve a balance in the curriculum. A school day is a mix of core subjects and also art, physical education, woodwork and entrepreneurial education (at secondary level).


The curriculum is being renewed and is due out in 2015. There will be an increase in 21st Century skills, such as collaboration, social interaction, problem solving and life-long learning, but they will not be separate from the core subjects, they will be integrated.


Other factors which impact on teaching: Class sizes are between 15 to 25 across primary and secondary schools. There are no national examinations or rankings. We don't have that culture of comparing schools. If a school is not doing well, it is not closed down. It is given more resources.


Final word: There are elements of the Finnish model which could be implemented elsewhere, such as the emphasis on high quality teachers.


The teaching environment is also important. In relaxed and educationally-supportive environments children are granted authority and accountability in and for learning. We believe that learning and interacting in relaxed educational environments will teach children for life, not for school.



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